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Christmas Trees

OPEN November 29, 2024




Evergreen Farms furnishes saws for cutting and harvesting the perfect tree. Please bring your own measuring tools. We will shake the tree and wrap it in netting for easy transporting. Twine is available if you need to tie it to your vehicle. 


After cutting the tree there are many games to entertain, including tetherball, maze, hopscotch and a playground.  There is also a nature trail, farm animals and the gift shop.




Families can enjoy several additional activities on weekends. Evergreen Farms will have a campfire for roasting marshmallows. The concession stand will be open with drinks, hot chocolate, s’more fixings, sausage wraps and snacks.



Learn about our pricing here>


The trees grown at Evergreen Farms are Virginia Pine, Leyland Cypress and Arizona Cypress. Special care is given to hand plant each seedling on a yearly basis. For each tree that is cut down during the Christmas season, at least one more is planted to replace it.


All fields are on a drip irrigation system, conserving water and insuring healthy, beautiful trees. Soils are taken care of and enhanced using mulch.  Pests are controlled using a pest management system. Trees are sheared yearly to maintain full and beautifully shaped trees.  

Types of Trees
Virginia Pine  (Pinus Virginianan) is a short needled pine with a pleasant pine fragrance, dense foliage and good growth rates.  It has been the most widely planted southern Christmas tree over the past three decades and is the most common species at Evergreen Farms.  


Leyland Cypress is a sterile hybrid tree between the Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpe) and Alaskan cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis).  Because the tree is a sterile hybrid, it does NOT pollinate naturally, therefore is an excellent option for those that have tree allergies.  Customers like it because it is not only a very beautiful Christmas tree, but if kept in water, it will not leave needles on the carpet.  

Arizona Cypress (Cupressus arizonica) is a North American species of trees in the cypress family.  It is native to the southwestern U.S.  The foliage grows in dense sprays and ranges in color from a dull gray-green to a bright blue-green.  They are very fragrant and will do well as a fresh cut tree if kept in water.  

Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri) is a tree species that can not grow in Texas, yet many Evergreen Farms customers enjoy the fir.  They are shipped from North Carolina in refrigerated trucks and stored in water or watered everyday to provide a fresh tree.  They have a mild fragrance, strong limbs and soft needles.

Noble Fir (Abies procera) is also a species that can not grow in Texas. The Noble fir is closely related to the red fir.  They have a slight fragrance, but nice needles and branches for ornaments. Noble firs are shipped from Washington State and are cared for like the Fraser Fir.   

© 2016 Evergreen Farms Christmas Trees.  

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